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He shows himself to be more of a cheeky and mischievous personality than evil and can sometimes be spotted urinating or farting on the dead bodies of recent victims. The Darkling appears to be English in not only his clothing but his colloquial way of speaking as well as he seems to use the word 'fuck' a lot, as well as 'bollocks' giving him a more relatable, down-to-earth personality. This shows valour and a sense of friendship as well as he comments on how he 'had a good run' and tells Jackie not to 'fuck it up, eh' meaning that he accepts his fate and that he wishes Jackie well in his own way. When he opens the door, the light comes blinding in and knocks the Darkling down the stairs where he seems to leak/steam dark energy as he slowly perishes. The Darkling dies when it attempts to help Jackie reach the institutions roof. The Darkling disguises himself as a hunched back Janitor who makes his identity known by referring to Jackie as 'Monkey' which is his personal label for Jackie. In the mental institution (where the Darkness keeps Jackie), the Darkling comes to help him and apart from Johnny Powell seems to be the only one there that knows the place isn't entirely real. Although the Darkling suggests Jackie to leave the Darkness behind and enjoy their new found freedom in Vegas, Estacado can't leave Jenny trapped in Hell and the two chase after Victor. The Darkling then mounts a rescue operation, infiltrating the cellars where Jackie is being kept and saves his master from death. Unfortunately, Jackie gets captured by the Brotherhood and imprisoned in the Bed of Thorns. When Victor closes the door leading to his whereabouts, the Darkling drives a fuel tanker through them and opens up an entrance to Jackie. Later the Darkling helps Jackie during his journey to Hellgate Field where he confronts the Brotherhood. The Darkling then holds Bragg as Jackie rips out his heart from his chest. When Jackie defeats Bragg and begins to interrogate him, the Darkling is proceeds to slap, punch and push around their captive. Later the Darkling helps during the ambush at Aunt Sarah's funeral.

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After Jackie frees himself from the Brotherhood captivity and escapes the burning Brimstone Club, the Darkling helps him to find a path from the rooftops to the street level. He also hears about their plans to trap the Darkness in a strange artifact. While doing this, the Darkling shows Jackie, that he can see everything the creature sees.ĭuring their journey through the vents, the Darkling overhears the Brotherhood talking about the Darkness essence, the source of their power. Later when Jackie attacks Brotherhood headquarters at the Brimstone Club, the Darkling helps him by getting into a vent and turning off the lights, preventing him from moving forward. During Swifty's crane battle, the Darkling gives Jackie propane tanks to throw at the crane cabin. He later accompanies Jackie when he attacks Swifty. The Darkling then helps Jackie to navigate the streets and reach Canal St. The Darkling answers, that he should tell him, as the creature came from Jackie's mind. The creature then proceeds to fart, making Jackie to ask as to what is that smell. Jackie passes this offer, but thanks for saving him. The Darkling then greets Jackie, saying it's been too long and asks to give them a hug. When a Brotherhood member finds Jackie and prepares to execute him, the Darkling jumps on the attacker and kills him by repeatedly headbutting him. After Jackie is knocked to the nearby building by the second explosion from the restaurant, the Darkling is seen hiding in the ceiling panels.

Darkness 2 steam banner